Back Office
FashionE Stock Control Features Include:
Style matrix stock identification
Identify your products by Style, Size and Colour, with additional Supplier, Style reference, description and physical stock records at the touch of a button.
Multi-level style/item grouping
Organise your stock into relevant Categories, Department and Sub-departments with additional Seasonal and Brand entries to maximise reporting analysis. know wht is selling best for you by garment or item type across all of your brands.
Real time processing
The up to the ‘physical transaction’ minute recording of all sales through our fashion stock control solution means that the stock control system is updated immediately keeping you in touch with your stock flow and sales at any minute of the day.
Forward order stock preparation
To assist your business with in season ordering, Fashione allows you to prepare the next seasons’ stock in advance of delivery. Saving time of actual delivery recording and ensuring what you order is what you get.
Efficient Delivery Handling
Orders and delivery modules allow you to keep track of stock on order, outstanding orders and order fulfillment from suppliers with preset lead times and delivery monitoring that identifies your stock availability.
Step by step stock-taking
With the simplistic design of Fashione, you can carry out global and partial stock-takes within four easy to use steps and produce accurate stock analysis and reports that can be exported to other applications.
Versatile barcoding
Fashione allows you to customise and print various sizes of barcodes that can be printed to either standard A4 or dedicated ticket printers, you may also ‘tag’ supplier and SKU barcodes to items to assist multi-channel retailing.
Meaningful reporting analysis
At the click of a button you can quickly produce comprehensive and meaningful reports for Sales, Stock, Orders, Profit & Vat, Customer history, Supplier performance, sell-thru and ranking of periodical sales and stock reporting for assistance with buying.
Price control and promotions
Set sale items without rebarcoding either by percentage mark-ups or individual item mark down to clear out the slow/none sellers. You can also run other sale promotions with date controlled activities for slow movers or mid-end of season items.
Stock adjustments and other functionality
Fashione Back Office provides fashion retailers with office functions that help you manage your system and business more effectively such as; Write offs, Return to suppliers, Credit Note and Gift Voucher auditing, Receipt editor (unlimited text) and logo, Staff security control and much more…
- Description
Fashione Back Office is the central control application that will assist your business with those sometimes time consuming but necessary chores of stock management, purchasing and price maintenance. The highly visual screen layouts make these processes quick, simple and easy to use, reducing processing time and reduce paperwork.
Our clothing stock control and footwear stock control solutions have been developed to provide you with immediate access to business critical information that will help you make the right decisions for your business both long and short term.